We’re very pleased to be hosting a new Junior Herbalist Club at Amersham Museum, run by registered Medical Herbalist Kristine De Block.
Kristine explains more:
“Once upon a time, everyone knew the secret language of plants! Folk could name every weed and wildflower and knew their healing powers. Today, this magic is almost forgotten, and that’s where the Junior Herbalist Club comes in!
Children make great little herbalists – they love learning about the superpowers of plants. They easily grasp that just like oranges give us vitamin C, chamomile can chill us out, peppermint can calm tummy rumbles and comfrey is a first aid kit in a leaf! With Junior Herbalist Club, they will learn these and so much more, a treasure trove of knowledge they will carry into adulthood.
Junior Herbalist Club is like a secret school for plant wizards. In a safe, fun environment, kids learn about magical medicinal plants whilst subtly polishing skills in core subjects like English, Maths, and even Cookery! All under the guidance of a real-life Medical Herbalist.
We meet once a month, starting in September and going through to July. Each month, the kids get to know a new plant, starting with lovely lavender. They will make everything from lavender sugar to lip balms, and in the second year, we graduate to concocting marshmallows, creams, and more!
Every session we unravel the mystery of a particular plant – its name, life story, and healing powers. We learn through stories, songs, and lively chats about each plant’s magical properties. At the end of the session, they get a worksheet to keep track of their plant wisdom journey.
By the end of the year, we hope our junior herbalists will be able to:
- Be plant detectives, spotting common medicinal plants in their surroundings and telling the good ones from the bad.
- Understand the superpowers of many common plants.
- Know how to use plants for first aid and medicine making.
- Enjoy enchanting tales of plant folklore and history.
- Become responsible plant guardians, understanding how to grow and harvest while respecting Mother Nature.
JHC is for kids aged 7-12, but older plant-lovers are welcome too! Just remember, little ones under 8 need an adult during the class. We can’t babysit unregistered siblings, so keep that in mind. Regular attendees even get a shiny award and certificate from The National Institute of Medical Herbalists at the end of the year!”
More information can be found here: https://thecraftyherbalist.org.uk/junior-herbalist-club/