The Swan Inn (No. 122) was another early coaching inn. One of the chimneys is dated 1671, but the building is thought to be older. There are references in legal documents to the “Swanne” in 1655. It was altered in the 18th century and has an early 17th century west wing, timber-framed with brick infill. Both the inn and the outbuilding to the south west are listed buildings grade II. Between 1800 and 1851, John and Alice Day were the innkeepers and they left money to found the Day’s Almshouses. In 1928 when the building was sold by the Tyrwhitt-Drake family, the tenant was Mr. H B Selby and the auction sale particulars are shown below.
Nos. 124-128 were built by Thomas Tyrrwhitt-Drake in 1893, replacing earlier cottages (see photo below to see what was there before).
See the attached pdf with an article by the Amersham Society about these houses.
Click on any of the photographs below to enlarge it and to see the description. Then click on forward or back arrows at the foot of each photograph. To close the pictures, just click on one.